The Thames Water Build Over Agreement Timeline: An Overview
If you`re planning to build over or near a Thames Water asset, it`s important to understand the build over agreement process and timeline. A build over agreement is necessary to ensure that any construction work does not damage or obstruct Thames Water`s infrastructure, such as sewers or water mains. Here`s a brief overview of the timeline involved in obtaining a build over agreement from Thames Water.
Stage 1: Application
The first stage is to submit an application for a build over agreement to Thames Water. The application form can be found on Thames Water`s website and requires details of the proposed construction work, including a site plan and engineering drawings. Once the application has been submitted, Thames Water will review the proposal and provide an initial response within 10 working days.
Stage 2: Site Visit and Assessment
After receiving the initial response, Thames Water will carry out a site visit to assess the proposed works and their potential impact on their infrastructure. This typically takes around 10-20 working days, depending on the complexity and location of the site.
Stage 3: Technical Assessment
Once the site visit is complete, Thames Water will carry out a technical assessment of the proposal. This involves reviewing the engineering drawings and assessing the potential impact on their assets. If the proposal is deemed to be low risk, Thames Water may issue a conditional build over agreement at this stage.
Stage 4: Agreement and Payment
If the proposal is approved, Thames Water will issue a build over agreement. The agreement will outline the conditions that the developer must adhere to, such as ensuring that the construction work does not damage or obstruct Thames Water`s infrastructure. The cost of the build over agreement varies depending on the complexity of the proposal and the location of the site. Thames Water will provide a quote for the cost of the agreement, which must be paid before the agreement is issued.
Stage 5: Construction
Once the build over agreement has been issued and payment received, construction work can commence. It`s important for the developer to adhere to the conditions outlined in the agreement and to notify Thames Water of any changes to the construction plans. Thames Water may carry out inspections during the construction process to ensure that the conditions of the build over agreement are being met.
Stage 6: Completion
After the construction work is complete, the developer must notify Thames Water and provide as-built drawings to demonstrate that the conditions of the build over agreement have been met. Once Thames Water is satisfied that the construction work has not damaged or obstructed their infrastructure, the build over agreement is considered complete.
In conclusion, obtaining a build over agreement from Thames Water is a key step in any construction project involving their infrastructure. The process involves several stages, including application, site visit, technical assessment, agreement and payment, construction, and completion. By understanding the timeline involved and adhering to the conditions of the agreement, developers can ensure that their construction work does not cause any damage or obstruction to Thames Water`s assets.