Who Can Advise on Settlement Agreements

Settlement agreements are legally binding contracts between an employee and their employer that outline the terms of a severance package. These agreements can be complex, and it`s important to seek advice from a legal expert before signing on the dotted line. But who can advise on settlement agreements? Here`s what you need to know.


Lawyers are the most common professionals to advise on settlement agreements. They have the legal knowledge and experience to review the terms of the agreement and ensure that your rights are protected. A lawyer can also negotiate on your behalf to get you a better deal.

Employment law specialists

Employment law specialists are lawyers who specialize in employment-related issues. They can advise on settlement agreements, as well as other employment-related matters such as discrimination, harassment, and wrongful termination. Employment law specialists can also provide guidance on your legal rights as an employee.

Trade unions

If you`re a member of a trade union, they may be able to offer advice on settlement agreements. Some unions have legal teams who can review the agreement and provide guidance on whether it`s in your best interests to accept it or negotiate for a better deal.

Independent financial advisors

Settlement agreements often involve a financial payout from the employer, which can affect your tax liability. An independent financial advisor can advise on the tax implications of the settlement agreement and help you make informed decisions about how to manage the money you receive.


If there is a breakdown in communication between you and your employer, a mediator may be able to help resolve the dispute. Mediators are neutral third parties who can facilitate a conversation between you and your employer to come to an agreement that is fair for both parties.

In conclusion, settlement agreements can be complex legal documents and it`s important to seek advice from a legal expert before signing. The above professionals can all offer guidance and help you make informed decisions about your rights and obligations. Don`t be afraid to seek advice if you`re unsure, as it can save you from making costly mistakes down the line.