Not Found Openzeppelin-Solidity/Contracts/Math/Safemath.sol

If you`ve ever come across the frustrating error message “not found openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/math/safemath.sol” while working on a blockchain project, you`re not alone. This error typically occurs when you try to compile a Solidity contract that requires the SafeMath library from the OpenZeppelin library, but the compiler cannot find it.

This error can be especially frustrating because SafeMath is an essential library for secure smart contract development. It prevents integer overflow and underflow vulnerabilities that can be exploited by malicious actors, so it`s important to have it properly implemented in your contracts.

So how do you fix the “not found openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/math/safemath.sol” error? The solution is simple: make sure that you have properly installed the OpenZeppelin library and that the paths to the library files are correctly referenced in your Solidity contract.

To install OpenZeppelin, you can use the following command in your project directory:


npm install @openzeppelin/contracts


This will download the latest version of the OpenZeppelin library and install it in your project`s node_modules folder.

Once you have installed OpenZeppelin, make sure that you have correctly referenced the SafeMath library in your Solidity contract. You should have an import statement at the top of your contract file similar to this:


import “@openzeppelin/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol”;


Make sure that the path to SafeMath.sol is correctly specified for your project`s directory structure.

If you still receive the “not found openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/math/safemath.sol” error after verifying that you have properly installed OpenZeppelin and correctly referenced the SafeMath library in your Solidity contract, it`s possible that your compiler is outdated or you have a conflicting library version. In this case, you may want to try updating your compiler or checking for library version conflicts.

In summary, the “not found openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/math/safemath.sol” error is a common issue when working with the OpenZeppelin library and SafeMath in Solidity contracts. To fix this error, make sure that you have properly installed OpenZeppelin, correctly referenced the SafeMath library in your Solidity contract, and checked for compiler or library version conflicts. By taking these steps, you can ensure that your Solidity contracts are secure and free of integer vulnerabilities.