Osstf Agreement

The Ontario Secondary School Teachers` Federation (OSSTF) Agreement: All You Need to Know

The Ontario Secondary School Teachers` Federation (OSSTF) is a union that represents approximately 60,000 members working in public schools across the province. It is a powerful voice in the education sector, negotiating on behalf of its members to secure better working conditions and fair compensation. Recently, the OSSTF reached a new agreement with the Ontario government, which is set to impact thousands of teachers and education workers in the province. Here`s everything you need to know about the OSSTF agreement.

What is the OSSTF Agreement?

The OSSTF agreement is a new collective agreement between the OSSTF and the Ontario government that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for teachers and education workers in the province. The agreement, which was reached after months of negotiations, covers a wide range of issues, including salaries, benefits, and working conditions.

What are the Key Provisions of the Agreement?

One of the key provisions of the OSSTF agreement is a salary increase for teachers and education workers. According to the agreement, teachers will receive a 1% salary increase for each year of the three-year agreement. Education workers will receive a 1.5% salary increase for each year of the agreement. In addition to the salary increase, the agreement also includes provisions for better benefits and improved working conditions for teachers and education workers.

One of the most significant changes in the agreement is the elimination of a controversial hiring practice known as Regulation 274. This regulation required school boards to hire teachers based on seniority rather than qualifications. The elimination of this regulation means that school boards will have more flexibility in how they hire and assign teachers.

Another important provision of the agreement is the establishment of a new fund to support mental health services for students. The government has committed $10 million to the fund, which will be used to provide additional resources and support for students struggling with mental health issues.

What Does the Agreement Mean for Teachers and Education Workers?

The OSSTF agreement is a positive development for teachers and education workers in the province. The salary increases and improved working conditions will help to attract and retain talented educators, and the elimination of Regulation 274 will give school boards more flexibility in how they hire and assign teachers. The establishment of the mental health fund is also an important step towards improving support for students who are struggling with mental health issues.

Overall, the OSSTF agreement is a significant achievement for the union and its members. It is a testament to the power of collective bargaining and the importance of strong unions in protecting the rights and interests of workers. As the education sector continues to evolve, it is essential that unions like the OSSTF continue to advocate for the best interests of teachers and education workers across the province.